Weather forecast

The weather in Jaen

Friday, 4th of October 20:00 23:00
Fair Fair Fair Fair
Temperature 21.9°C 18.9°C
Wind 5 Km/h 7 Km/h
West West Southwest Southwest
Humidity 44% 51%
Saturday, 5th of October 2:00 5:00 8:00 11:00 14:00 17:00 20:00
Fair Fair Fair Fair Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Clear Clear
Temperature 17.5°C 16.1°C 15.5°C 20.7°C 23.6°C 25.3°C 23.2°C
Wind 8 Km/h 6 Km/h 5 Km/h 2 Km/h 8 Km/h 13 Km/h 7 Km/h
Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest South South Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Southwest Southwest
Humidity 57% 68% 72% 54% 44% 39% 47%
Sunday, 6th of October High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
29.2°C Cloudy 29.2°C 16.4°C 10 km/h
West West
49% Sunrise: 8:14
Sunset: 19:53
11:46 - 21:30 Moonrise: 11:46
Moonset: 21:30
Monday, 7th of October High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
25.1°C Cloudy with rain showers 25.1°C 15.6°C 23 km/h
Southwest Southwest
45% Sunrise: 8:15
Sunset: 19:51
12:49 - 22:07 Moonrise: 12:49
Moonset: 22:07
Tuesday, 8th of October High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
21.1°C Cloudy 21.1°C 14.8°C 15 km/h
West West
55% Sunrise: 8:16
Sunset: 19:50
13:51 - 22:53 Moonrise: 13:51
Moonset: 22:53
Wednesday, 9th of October High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
24.8°C Cloudy 24.8°C 12.6°C 20 km/h
Southwest Southwest
52% Sunrise: 8:17
Sunset: 19:48
14:49 - 23:48 Moonrise: 14:49
Moonset: 23:48
Thursday, 10th of October High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
22°C Cloudy with rain showers 22°C 16.6°C 11 km/h
Southwest Southwest
67% Sunrise: 8:17
Sunset: 19:47
15:42 - ---- Moonrise: 15:42
Moonset: ----
Weather by
Jaen has a Mediterranean climate of the Csa type in the Köppen climate classification. It is clearly continentalized because it has a much higher thermal amplitude than the Mediterranean coast. Therefore, winters in Jaen are usually mild and humid, while summers are very dry and scorching.

Due to its topography and geographical location, the average temperature in Jaen is usually high, with a moderately large thermal oscillation throughout the year, sometimes exceeding a 15ºC difference in the same day.

Summers are usually very dry with almost no rain. The temperature can easily reach 40ºC, and the intense heat is concentrated between May and September, though there can be days of up to 20ºC in the cold months.

Winters are usually very rainy, as are autumns, with rain concentrated in the winter months and the beginning of spring. However, in general, rainfall does not usually exceed 500 mm per year, which is why Jaen is considered a relatively dry city.

Snowfall in Jaen is rare. The greatest chances occur between January and March. The temperature in winter usually ranges from 8ºC to -8ºC, with the months of December to February being the coldest of the year.

The climate of Jaen is considered an olive grove or classic subtropical climate due to its low rainfall in summer and its mild and very humid winters.
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