Weather forecast

The weather in Seville

Friday, 4th of October 19:00 22:00
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Fair Fair
Temperature 30.2°C 23.1°C
Wind 15 Km/h 16 Km/h
West West Southwest Southwest
Humidity 38% 71%
Saturday, 5th of October 1:00 4:00 7:00 10:00 13:00 16:00 19:00
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy
Temperature 21.2°C 20.7°C 19.8°C 20.9°C 27°C 30.1°C 30.5°C
Wind 10 Km/h 5 Km/h 3 Km/h 1 Km/h 5 Km/h 12 Km/h 11 Km/h
Southwest Southwest South South Southeast Southeast Southwest Southwest West West Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest
Humidity 86% 93% 96% 81% 55% 43% 44%
Sunday, 6th of October High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
29.5°C Cloudy 29.5°C 18.3°C 15 km/h
Southwest Southwest
67% Sunrise: 8:22
Sunset: 20:02
11:54 - 21:40 Moonrise: 11:54
Moonset: 21:40
Monday, 7th of October High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
26°C Cloudy with chance of thunderstorms 26°C 19.7°C 30 km/h
Southwest Southwest
82% Sunrise: 8:23
Sunset: 20:00
12:57 - 22:17 Moonrise: 12:57
Moonset: 22:17
Tuesday, 8th of October High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
25.5°C Cloudy 25.5°C 16.6°C 18 km/h
Southwest Southwest
71% Sunrise: 8:24
Sunset: 19:59
13:59 - 23:03 Moonrise: 13:59
Moonset: 23:03
Wednesday, 9th of October High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
25.2°C Cloudy with rain showers 25.2°C 17.2°C 33 km/h
Southwest Southwest
71% Sunrise: 8:25
Sunset: 19:57
14:57 - 23:59 Moonrise: 14:57
Moonset: 23:59
Thursday, 10th of October High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
22.8°C Cloudy with rain showers 22.8°C 16.8°C 23 km/h
Southwest Southwest
85% Sunrise: 8:26
Sunset: 19:56
15:50 - ---- Moonrise: 15:50
Moonset: ----
Weather by
Seville is characterized by a Mediterranean climate of the Csa type in the Köppen climate classification. Summers tend to be very dry and scorching in contrast to the rainy and mild winters. The heat of Seville is characteristic of Andalusia, with an average annual temperature that can reach almost 20ºC—the highest in continental Europe. This makes Seville the hottest provincial capital in Spain.

The scorching Sevillian summers are usually extremely dry, with an average temperature of 25ºC, though sometimes reaching up to 46ºC, with extreme heat from June to August.

Being such a hot city, Seville registers a very high average of almost 3,000 hours of sunshine per year. This translates into more than 150 sunny days.

Seville gets about 540 mm of annual precipitation. That is why it is considered a relatively dry city, with an average of 51 days of rain per year, concentrated during autumn/winter, from October to April. December is the driest month.

Winters are usually mild but humid, with a maximum of 10ºC and a minimum of about -5ºC. February is the coldest month of the year. Due to its topography and geographical location, frosts are rare, with a maximum of three recorded per year. In Seville, it does not usually snow. In fact, in 2010 a very light snowfall was recorded—the first in 56 years.
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