Weather forecast

The weather in Salamanca

Friday, 4th of October 19:00 22:00
Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Clear Clear
Temperature 20.6°C 16.4°C
Wind 8 Km/h 7 Km/h
Southwest Southwest Northwest Northwest
Humidity 47% 66%
Saturday, 5th of October 1:00 4:00 7:00 10:00 13:00 16:00 19:00
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy
Temperature 13.6°C 13.3°C 14.1°C 16.1°C 19.9°C 23.1°C 21.9°C
Wind 5 Km/h 8 Km/h 8 Km/h 10 Km/h 20 Km/h 29 Km/h 22 Km/h
Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest West West Southwest Southwest
Humidity 77% 81% 94% 85% 61% 47% 52%
Sunday, 6th of October High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
19.9°C Cloudy with rain showers 19.9°C 15.2°C 37 km/h
Southwest Southwest
73% Sunrise: 8:23
Sunset: 19:59
12:03 - 21:27 Moonrise: 12:03
Moonset: 21:27
Monday, 7th of October High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
17.4°C Cloudy with rain showers 17.4°C 12.2°C 30 km/h
Southwest Southwest
72% Sunrise: 8:24
Sunset: 19:57
13:09 - 22:02 Moonrise: 13:09
Moonset: 22:02
Tuesday, 8th of October High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
18.5°C Cloudy with rain showers 18.5°C 11.4°C 31 km/h
Southwest Southwest
71% Sunrise: 8:25
Sunset: 19:55
14:12 - 22:47 Moonrise: 14:12
Moonset: 22:47
Wednesday, 9th of October High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
21.5°C Cloudy with rain showers 21.5°C 14°C 47 km/h
Southwest Southwest
75% Sunrise: 8:26
Sunset: 19:54
15:11 - 23:42 Moonrise: 15:11
Moonset: 23:42
Thursday, 10th of October High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
19.1°C Mostly cloudy with rain showers 19.1°C 12.2°C 32 km/h
Southwest Southwest
77% Sunrise: 8:27
Sunset: 19:52
16:02 - ---- Moonrise: 16:02
Moonset: ----
Weather by
Salamanca has a Mediterranean climate, with continental features. Winters are cold and dry, with low temperatures, averaging between 4 and 5°Celsius. Summers are short and hot, with temperatures exceeding 30ºC. Rainfall is scarce, with an average of 380 mm per year. This usually occurs during the intermediate seasons, i.e., spring and autumn.

The annual temperature generally ranges from 0°C to 30°C and rarely goes below -6°C or rises above 35°C. Therefore, the best time of year to visit Salamanca is from the beginning of July to mid-August.

The hot season spans almost three months, from 15 June to 12 September, and the daily average high temperature is above 26°C. The warmest month of the year in Salamanca is July, with an average maximum temperature of 29°C and a minimum of 13°C.

The cold season spans almost four months, from 15 November to 3 March, and the daily average high temperature is below 13°C. The coldest month of the year in Salamanca is January, with an average minimum temperature of 0°C and a maximum of 9°C.

The month with the greatest number of rainy days is October, with an average of almost seven days.
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