Main Theater (Alicante)

Picture: Wikimedia Commons
Of all the spaces for the dramatic arts in the city of Alicante, without a doubt, the most important is the Main Theatre. It is an elegant and beautiful neoclassical building inaugurated in 1847 and designed by Emilio Jover Perrón, a famous architect from Alicante.

The origin of this artistic space dates back to 1845, when the city’s aristocracy and merchants decided to create an exclusive space for a new and modern theatre, with land ceded by the City Council. It is currently located in Ruperto Chapi Square.

The theatre has a wide plan of 23 x 12 x 54 meters. The interesting and maximalist style was achieved through a triangular pediment with a smooth tympanum and a Doric colonnade. Originally, the Main Theatre was baptized as the New Theatre to differentiate it from one that already existed on Liorna Street.

In the following years, it was the place where the most important dramatic productions of the city were carried out. The theatre achieved such resounding success that in 1857, it was renamed the Theatre of Alicante and, a short time later, the Main Theatre, as it is currently known.

In February 1939, in the middle of the Spanish Civil War, the theatre was severely affected by continuous bombardments, which required extensive restoration between 1939 and 1941 under the leadership of the famous architect Juan Vidal Ramos. The last major reform occurred between 1985 and 1992, when its stage was expanded, partially modifying the original design of 1847.

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