Burning in the San Juan bonfires (Alicante - Spain)

Festivals in Alicante


San Juan bonfires

The San Juan bonfires is among the most important festivals in the city of Alicante. It has a long tradition and an origin lost in the mists of the centuries. This celebration is closely linked to the arrival of the summer solstice.

The "modern" organization of these festivities dates from 1928 when a series of ceremonies was arranged, beginning with the announcement of the start of festival by a town crier.
From there, the “hogueras” are planted. These are authentic polychrome artistic monuments of great finish and beauty, made of papier-mâché with images of satirical symbolism. These works of art are planted on June 20 to be incinerated on the night of June 24, on the eve of the summer solstice.

From the top of Mount Benacantil, at midnight, a monumental palm tree of fireworks is launched. This begins the traditional “cremá” of the “hogueras”.

In this colourful celebration, parades, bullfights, musical events, gastronomic tastings, sports championships and many other activities of great popularity take place amid a fervour of joy.


Between February and March

Holy Week

Between March and April

Santa Faz Pilgrimage

Between March and April

Moors and Christians

San Blas, July / Altozano, August
    A Coruña
    A Coruña