Weather forecast

The weather in Alicante

Monday, 9th of December 17:00 20:00 23:00
Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear
Temperature 15.7°C 13.1°C 11.1°C
Wind 16 Km/h 15 Km/h 12 Km/h
Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest
Humidity 34% 43% 53%
Tuesday, 10th of December 2:00 5:00 8:00 11:00 14:00 17:00
Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Fair Fair
Temperature 10°C 9.3°C 9.6°C 12.2°C 14.5°C 13.9°C
Wind 9 Km/h 11 Km/h 15 Km/h 9 Km/h 6 Km/h 10 Km/h
Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest South South Southeast Southeast
Humidity 63% 64% 60% 49% 44% 54%
Wednesday, 11th of December High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
12.4°C Cloudy with rain showers 12.4°C 10.6°C 12 km/h
Northeast Northeast
73% Sunrise: 8:08
Sunset: 17:41
14:41 - 03:31 Moonrise: 14:41
Moonset: 03:31
Thursday, 12th of December High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
14.7°C Fair 14.7°C 8.7°C 14 km/h
Northeast Northeast
69% Sunrise: 8:08
Sunset: 17:42
15:13 - 04:45 Moonrise: 15:13
Moonset: 04:45
Friday, 13th of December High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
14.7°C Cloudy with rain showers 14.7°C 9.4°C 11 km/h
Northeast Northeast
73% Sunrise: 8:09
Sunset: 17:42
15:51 - 06:03 Moonrise: 15:51
Moonset: 06:03
Saturday, 14th of December High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
15.7°C Cloudy 15.7°C 9°C 13 km/h
Northeast Northeast
79% Sunrise: 8:10
Sunset: 17:42
16:37 - 07:20 Moonrise: 16:37
Moonset: 07:20
Sunday, 15th of December High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
15.9°C Cloudy 15.9°C 9.9°C 18 km/h
Northeast Northeast
81% Sunrise: 8:11
Sunset: 17:42
17:35 - 08:32 Moonrise: 17:35
Moonset: 08:32
Weather by
Alicante is located on the south-eastern coast of Spain. Its climate is Mediterranean, with mild and relatively rainy winters and hot and sunny summers. It is a particularly temperate, arid and sunny area.

Spring and autumn lend themselves to visiting the interior. For a sun and beach holiday in Alicante, the best time is summer, from June to August.

Winter is relatively mild. Sunny periods abound, alternating with rare periods of bad weather, with wind and rain. On the coldest nights of the year, the temperature can reach zero degrees, but even in these cases, during the day, it usually rises above 10 degrees.

Spring is mild and sunny, with rainy days still possible, but not frequent. From May and even April, the first hot days begin to appear, with highs of about 30 degrees.

Summer is hot and sunny. Normally, the temperature fluctuates between 28-29 degrees in June and September and between 30-32 degrees in July and August. However, sometimes there are heat waves in which the temperature can touch 35-37 degrees, and at times even 40 degrees.

Autumn is initially warm, and then gradually mild. It usually rains a few times, sometimes so hard that flooding can occur.
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