Weather forecast

The weather in Valladolid

Tuesday, 11th of February 3:00 6:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00
Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Fair Fair Fair Fair Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy with chance of rain Cloudy with chance of rain
Temperature 7.3°C 6.6°C 5.7°C 9.8°C 13.4°C 11.8°C 9.1°C
Wind 5 Km/h 4 Km/h 7 Km/h 9 Km/h 16 Km/h 17 Km/h 15 Km/h
South South South South South South South South South South South South Southwest Southwest
Humidity 97% 92% 82% 76% 59% 73% 81%
Wednesday, 12th of February 0:00 3:00
Cloudy with chance of rain Cloudy with chance of rain Cloudy with chance of rain Cloudy with chance of rain
Temperature 8°C 7.7°C
Wind 11 Km/h 12 Km/h
South South Southwest Southwest
Humidity 87% 88%
Thursday, 13th of February High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
12.4°C Cloudy 12.4°C 5.2°C 10 km/h
West West
92% Sunrise: 8:20
Sunset: 18:47
19:55 - 08:53 Moonrise: 19:55
Moonset: 08:53
Friday, 14th of February High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
14.3°C Cloudy 14.3°C 4.8°C 7 km/h
Northeast Northeast
85% Sunrise: 8:19
Sunset: 18:48
20:58 - 09:13 Moonrise: 20:58
Moonset: 09:13
Saturday, 15th of February High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
15.6°C Cloudy 15.6°C 4.7°C 7 km/h
Southwest Southwest
69% Sunrise: 8:18
Sunset: 18:49
22:00 - 09:32 Moonrise: 22:00
Moonset: 09:32
Sunday, 16th of February High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
10.7°C Cloudy 10.7°C 4.9°C 4 km/h
West West
77% Sunrise: 8:16
Sunset: 18:51
23:01 - 09:50 Moonrise: 23:01
Moonset: 09:50
Monday, 17th of February High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
12°C Mostly cloudy 12°C 3.9°C 9 km/h
Northeast Northeast
74% Sunrise: 8:15
Sunset: 18:52
---- - 10:08 Moonrise: ----
Moonset: 10:08
Weather by
Due to its location in the heart of the Duero Sedimentary Basin, at an altitude of 700 meters above sea level and almost 200 kilometres from the Cantabrian coast, Valladolid has a continental and extremely dry Mediterranean climate. Being surrounded by a mountainous massif, the city of Valladolid is practically isolated from oceanic influence and, therefore, from rain clouds. As is to be expected in a city with such topographic characteristics, Valladolid suffers from cold winters and very hot summers.

During winter, frost and fog are common because of thermal inversion and long nights. There is an average of nine days of snow per year, with temperatures that can drop to -12ºC. The summer months are very hot and dry, with temperatures that can easily rise to 35ºC.

The mountainous massif completely removes the large rain clouds, so rainfall is very low: less than 450 mm per year on average. This is distributed irregularly throughout the year. Although rainfall is scarce, dry and cold winds from the north are normal, while those from the south are usually hot and humid. Thus, the rain in Valladolid usually comes from the west-southwest and falls just less than 70 days a year.

Other interesting features are its relative humidity, which remains around 64% throughout the year, and its many hours of sunshine, which can easily reach more than 2,600 throughout the year.