Weather forecast

The weather in Palma de Mallorca

Thursday, 23rd of January 5:00 8:00 11:00 14:00 17:00 20:00 23:00
Clear Clear Clear Clear Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Fair Fair
Temperature 12.5°C 12.3°C 16.2°C 18.1°C 17.2°C 13.2°C 11.5°C
Wind 13 Km/h 8 Km/h 13 Km/h 10 Km/h 6 Km/h 2 Km/h 1 Km/h
Southwest Southwest West West West West Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northeast Northeast Southeast Southeast
Humidity 82% 74% 64% 62% 72% 84% 91%
Friday, 24th of January 2:00 5:00
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy
Temperature 10.9°C 10.6°C
Wind 0 Km/h 1 Km/h
Southeast Southeast Southeast Southeast
Humidity 92% 96%
Saturday, 25th of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
17.3°C Cloudy 17.3°C 12.6°C 18 km/h
Southwest Southwest
87% Sunrise: 8:05
Sunset: 17:58
04:50 - 13:45 Moonrise: 04:50
Moonset: 13:45
Sunday, 26th of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
17°C Cloudy 17°C 12.3°C 22 km/h
West West
80% Sunrise: 8:04
Sunset: 18:00
05:52 - 14:37 Moonrise: 05:52
Moonset: 14:37
Monday, 27th of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
17.1°C Cloudy with rain showers 17.1°C 14.6°C 32 km/h
Southwest Southwest
84% Sunrise: 8:03
Sunset: 18:01
06:48 - 15:39 Moonrise: 06:48
Moonset: 15:39
Tuesday, 28th of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
16.9°C Fair 16.9°C 12.6°C 41 km/h
Southwest Southwest
54% Sunrise: 8:03
Sunset: 18:02
07:36 - 16:49 Moonrise: 07:36
Moonset: 16:49
Wednesday, 29th of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
14.6°C Cloudy 14.6°C 10.9°C 46 km/h
Northwest Northwest
59% Sunrise: 8:02
Sunset: 18:03
08:16 - 18:03 Moonrise: 08:16
Moonset: 18:03
Weather by
The climate of Palma de Mallorca is typically Mediterranean, characterized by warm temperatures, more or less mild in winter, with hot summers that are enjoyed in a different way on the island thanks to the breeze offered by the Mediterranean.

Mallorca has about 300 sunny days a year. Summer is always hot and sunny, which is perfect for visiting the beach. However, you can also enjoy ideal holidays in spring and autumn, when the temperature is particularly suitable for sports. The island's climate is ideal for tourists who visit this Balearic paradise every year. Its climate falls within the subtropical temperature category.

Summers are very hot and not long, and winters are generally mild. However, cold waves allow one to see the majestic snow-capped Sierra de Tramontana.

Rainfall in Majorca is irregular, varying considerably from one year to the next, to the point of causing droughts after a year of abundant rains. Therefore, it is not easy to predict.

Most of the rain is concentrated in a few days, with heavy or very heavy rainfall in autumn and little intensity the rest of the year. Forty percent of the total annual rainfall occurs during autumn, from September to November, while 25% falls in spring, from March to May. It’s the same in winter, from December to February, while only 10% falls in summer, from June to August.