Weather forecast

The weather in Bilbao

Tuesday, 11th of February 2:00 5:00 8:00 11:00 14:00 17:00 20:00 23:00
Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Fair Fair Clear Clear Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy
Temperature 10.8°C 10.9°C 11°C 14.1°C 16.5°C 16°C 12.6°C 11.1°C
Wind 11 Km/h 16 Km/h 19 Km/h 18 Km/h 19 Km/h 13 Km/h 12 Km/h 11 Km/h
South South South South South South South South South South South South Southeast Southeast South South
Humidity 76% 77% 73% 68% 53% 54% 62% 67%
Wednesday, 12th of February 2:00
Cloudy with rain showers Cloudy with rain showers
Temperature 10.7°C
Wind 9 Km/h
Southeast Southeast
Humidity 75%
Thursday, 13th of February High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
15°C Cloudy with rain showers 15°C 5.8°C 9 km/h
Southwest Southwest
73% Sunrise: 8:16
Sunset: 18:37
19:45 - 08:48 Moonrise: 19:45
Moonset: 08:48
Friday, 14th of February High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
18.3°C Mostly cloudy 18.3°C 8.9°C 6 km/h
Southwest Southwest
75% Sunrise: 8:15
Sunset: 18:38
20:50 - 09:07 Moonrise: 20:50
Moonset: 09:07
Saturday, 15th of February High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
20.4°C Cloudy 20.4°C 8.7°C 10 km/h
South South
66% Sunrise: 8:13
Sunset: 18:39
21:53 - 09:25 Moonrise: 21:53
Moonset: 09:25
Sunday, 16th of February High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
16°C Cloudy 16°C 9.4°C 9 km/h
Northwest Northwest
65% Sunrise: 8:12
Sunset: 18:41
22:55 - 09:42 Moonrise: 22:55
Moonset: 09:42
Monday, 17th of February High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
17.4°C Mostly cloudy 17.4°C 8.1°C 10 km/h
Northeast Northeast
61% Sunrise: 8:10
Sunset: 18:42
23:58 - 09:59 Moonrise: 23:58
Moonset: 09:59
Weather by
In Bilbao, the summers are mild and the winters are long, cold, humid and windy. What characterizes this city is that it is partly cloudy for most of the year. If you want to visit Bilbao, you should go from the end of June to the end of September, so that you can carry out activities under the sun.

The temperate season lasts for three months, from June 22 to September 24, with an average daily high temperature above 22°C. The warmest month of the year is August, with an average maximum temperature of 24°C and a minimum of 16°C.

The cool season lasts for almost four months, from November 20 to March 15, with an average daily high temperature of 14°C. The coldest month of the year is January, with an average minimum temperature of 5°C and a maximum of 12°C.

The cloudiest part of the year begins on September 19. It lasts almost nine months and ends on approximately June 13. The cloudiest month of the year in Bilbao is January. At this time, the sky is cloudy or mostly cloudy 62% of the time on average. Meanwhile, the clearest month of the year is July, when, on average, the sky is clear, mostly clear, or partly cloudy 75% of the time.

The wettest season lasts for almost eight months, from September 24 to May 16, while the drier season lasts for just over four months.