Weather forecast

The weather in A Coruña

Tuesday, 11th of February 3:00 6:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00
Cloudy Cloudy Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy with chance of rain showers Cloudy with chance of rain showers Cloudy with chance of rain Cloudy with chance of rain Partly cloudy with rain showers Partly cloudy with rain showers
Temperature 11.6°C 11.3°C 11.7°C 13.7°C 13.5°C 12.7°C 11.8°C
Wind 12 Km/h 15 Km/h 20 Km/h 17 Km/h 16 Km/h 12 Km/h 17 Km/h
Southeast Southeast Southeast Southeast Southeast Southeast Southeast Southeast Southeast Southeast Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest
Humidity 78% 76% 75% 73% 79% 86% 83%
Wednesday, 12th of February 0:00 3:00
Mostly cloudy with rain showers Mostly cloudy with rain showers Partly cloudy with rain showers Partly cloudy with rain showers
Temperature 10.9°C 10.7°C
Wind 19 Km/h 21 Km/h
Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest
Humidity 74% 79%
Thursday, 13th of February High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
16.2°C Cloudy with rain showers 16.2°C 13.1°C 21 km/h
South South
82% Sunrise: 8:38
Sunset: 18:59
20:08 - 09:11 Moonrise: 20:08
Moonset: 09:11
Friday, 14th of February High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
15.6°C Cloudy with chance of rain 15.6°C 12.8°C 18 km/h
South South
76% Sunrise: 8:37
Sunset: 19:00
21:13 - 09:30 Moonrise: 21:13
Moonset: 09:30
Saturday, 15th of February High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
13.7°C Cloudy with chance of rain 13.7°C 12°C 14 km/h
West West
76% Sunrise: 8:35
Sunset: 19:01
22:15 - 09:47 Moonrise: 22:15
Moonset: 09:47
Sunday, 16th of February High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
13.4°C Cloudy 13.4°C 10.2°C 8 km/h
Northwest Northwest
76% Sunrise: 8:34
Sunset: 19:03
23:19 - 10:04 Moonrise: 23:19
Moonset: 10:04
Monday, 17th of February High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
14.6°C Cloudy 14.6°C 11.3°C 11 km/h
East East
68% Sunrise: 8:33
Sunset: 19:04
---- - 10:21 Moonrise: ----
Moonset: 10:21
Weather by
A Coruña has a transitional oceanic climate known as oceanic-influenced Mediterranean and is characterized by mild temperatures throughout the year. Its summers are usually benign and comfortable, and it has rainy and moderate winters.

Thanks to the coastal influence, A Coruña benefits from a moderating effect that prevents temperatures from being extreme, with very mild springs and autumns with abundant rainfall and good sunny seasons. This makes it a very comfortable place to live.

The strong coastal influence is also evident in terms of its abundant rainfall, as A Coruña has a high average of at least 1,000 mm of rain per year and a high humidity of 70% throughout the year. This means that its summers are cool and not abrasive.

Something very interesting is that, due to the topography of A Coruña, there are no recorded snowfalls or frosts in winter. In fact, the last recorded snowfall occurred in January 1987.

Another characteristic of its strong Atlantic influence is the abundant wind throughout the year, especially during the winter. At that time, it blows more intensely and predominantly southwest and northwest.

The abundant wind during the summer months produces a unique and interesting phenomenon called “advection fog”. This is created by the contrast between the cold night-time ocean temperatures and the warm air. This type of fog can be persistent on many occasions.